Wednesday, January 1, 2025

A Primer for the Youngsters

Why the lefties and the righties hate eachother.

You have to go way back to the 1960’s and the VietNam War and the Pill.

The lefties did not want to die or kill or mourn, so did sex and drugs and protested the war and capitalist system.  Their brains derailed and the righties felt very smug.  

The righties got more religious and more authoritarian.  Unfortunately, Evangelical Americans do not go to the dentist.  They spend their medical money having babies instead.   This derailed their brains as well.  

The lefties have been trying to prove there's a violence problem and pushing psychology and drugs on the righties ever since.

The righties have been claiming antisocial behavior is all a matter of willpower and compliance and pushing prison and religion on the lefties.

They’re both wrong.   Please unplug the machine and clear the cache.
