Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The thing about AI

It isn't actually smart.  It indexes the same old existing corpus of text.   It doesn't know the difference between good information or bad, it just tells you what it finds in sentences instead of a list.   It just adds a layer of clicks.

A lot of existing literature is now obsolete.    I just broke the foundation of most of social science.  

Definitely all the psychobabble.  And all the fiction based on it.  All those tormented superheroes...

A lot of the medicine is wrong too. Non-communicable diseases, indeed.  Definitely a lot of drug mechanisms.   Dietary advice.

But all of it will remain in the archives forever because it is historical.

I have been testing it, it gives me conflicting medical information all the time.

You are getting unfiltered text in a pretty package.   Don’t trust it.   

It’s using our water and energy like a black hole too…

Turn it off.   All you have to do is add -ai to your google searches.

Content creators:   You now have a chance to rewrite your stuff with accurate information.   And copyright it.

(I really want to apologize and make up for the fact that I helped optimize search engines back in the day... I was earnest and naive.)