FDA adds warnings to statins
Health regulators are adding warnings to the labels of widely used cholesterol lowering drugs, such as Lipitor, to say they may raise levels of blood sugar and could cause memory loss.
Health regulators are adding warnings to the labels of widely used cholesterol lowering drugs, such as Lipitor, to say they may raise levels of blood sugar and could cause memory loss.
"As a nation, we don't talk about it much but there is a dental crisis in America," Sen. Bernie Sanders said Wednesday at a Senate hearing he chaired. A new report released at the hearing said more than 47 million people live in places where it is difficult to access dental care. More than 130 million Americans do not have dental insurance. One quarter of U.S. adults ages 65 or older have lost all of their teeth. About 17 million low-income children do not see a dentist each year. Only 45 percent of Americans age 2 and older saw a dental provider in the past 12 months. In Vermont, Sanders noted, there has been progress.
Sanders' subcommittee also heard evidence that more and more Americans are turning to expensive hospital emergency room care for routine dental problems. Nationwide, the number of ER visits for dental problems rose 16 percent from 2006 to 2009, according to a study presented at the hearing by the Pew Center on the States. In Florida alone, there were more than 115,000 hospital ER visits for dental problems in 2010 with costs of more than $88 million.
Claude Hopkins' greatest contribution would be helping to create a national toothbrushing habit. Before Pepsodent, almost no Americans brushed their teeth. A decade after Hopkins' advertising campaigns, pollsters found that toothbrushing had become a daily ritual for more than half the population. Everyone from Shirley Temple to Clark Gable eventually bragged about a "Pepsodent smile."Did you read that? The person who convinced us to use toothpaste was a MARKETER, not a dentist. It was NEVER about Oral Health.
Consumers need some kind of signal that a product is working,” Tracy Sinclair, who was a brand manager for Oral- B and Crest Kids Toothpaste, told me. “We can make toothpaste taste like anything—blueberries, green tea—and as long as it has a cool tingle, people feel like their mouth is clean. The tingling doesn’t make the toothpaste work any better. It just convinces people it’s doing the job.The tingling is not a benign addition by some clever ad man. It is the result of sulfates and an indication of tissue damage. These products remove the protective coating of your mouth and CAUSE gum disease.
A bill that recently passed out of the state House seeks to require mental-health providers to undergo training in suicide-risk assessment and treatment as part of their continuing-education requirements. National experts, including the Institute of Medicine, have been calling for such training for at least a decade. If the bill passes, Washington would become the first state in the nation to require it.Pardon Me?? This is not required by their professional organizations???
Every 15 minutes, someone dies by suicide in this country, states the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In Washington, suicide is the eighth leading cause of death, claiming more lives than motor-vehicle crashes, homicide and HIV/AIDS combined.
According to a CDC report, some 230,000 adults in Washington had considered suicide in the past 12 months. That's nearly one in 20 adults, higher than the national average. About 36,000 Washingtonians make a suicide attempt each year.
Secel Montgomery Sr. stabbed a woman in the stomach, chest and throat so fiercely that he lost count of the wounds he inflicted. In the nearly 25 years he has been serving a life sentence, he has gotten into fights, threatened a prison official and been caught with marijuana. Despite that, he has recently been entrusted with an extraordinary responsibility. He and other convicted killers at the California Men’s Colony help care for prisoners with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia...Now that is truly sick and twisted. A cognitive mobius strip.
A University of Colorado economics professor has co-authored a study that concludes that suicide rates among young males decline markedly after states legalize medical marijuana.For the record, the reason marijuana alleviates depression and anxiety is because they are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Cannibinoids are neurotransmitters involved in digestion. Cannabis stimulates intestinal neurons that are intrically connected to the mood regulation centers of your brain.
In the early 1990s, psychiatrist Thomas Wehr conducted an experiment in which a group of people were plunged into darkness for 14 hours every day for a month. It took some time for their sleep to regulate but by the fourth week the subjects had settled into a very distinct sleeping pattern. They slept first for four hours, then woke for one or two hours before falling into a second four-hour sleep. Though sleep scientists were impressed by the study, among the general public the idea that we must sleep for eight consecutive hours persists.But but but... that means sleep hygiene therapists are completely full of crap.
In 2001, historian Roger Ekirch of Virginia Tech published a seminal paper, drawn from 16 years of research, revealing a wealth of historical evidence that humans used to sleep in two distinct chunks.
The receptors, or sensors, on cells are called Toll-like receptors (TLRs), and the Nobel Prize was awarded last year for discoveries that showed they initiate the swift innate immune response to infections. But the inflammation they trigger can also be harmful. In mice it has been shown that two TLRs -- TLR2 AND TLR4 -- are important in the development of both diabetes and heart disease.Okay, here we go again-
Physicists who shocked the scientific world by claiming to have shown particles could move faster than the speed of light have admitted it was a mistake due to a faulty wire connection.Freakin Geniuses...
A novel bacterium, thought to be a common inhabitant of the oral cavity, has the potential to cause serious disease if it enters the bloodstream.
The bacterium was identified by researchers at the Institute of Medical Microbiology of the University of Zurich and has been named Streptococcus tigurinus after the region of Zurich where it was first recognised. S. tigurinus was isolated from blood of patients suffering from endocarditis, meningitis and spondylodiscitis (inflammation of the spine). It bears a close resemblance to other Streptococcus strains that colonise the mouth. Bleeding gums represent a possible route of entry for oral bacteria into the bloodstream.
"Quit or die: That's been the brutal message delivered to 45 million American smokers, and it has helped contribute to 443,000 deaths per year, according to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," Rodu said. "The truth, however, is that total nicotine and tobacco abstinence is unattainable and unnecessary for many smokers."
Rodu's presentation, "Transforming Tobacco Use: The Potential of Tobacco Harm Reduction," was based on his almost 20 years of research. His work shows that smokers can greatly reduce their risk of disease and death by replacing smoking products with e-cigarettes or modern, spit-free smokeless tobacco. These products provide a much safer alternative for those smokers who are unable or unwilling to quit smoking because they continue to deliver nicotine without the harmful effect of smoking.
According to a new study, smoking causes the body to turn against its own helpful bacteria, leaving smokers more vulnerable to disease.So, smoking may not actually CAUSE disease? Fascinating...
This new modern wheat may look like wheat, but it is different in three important ways that all drive obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia and more.
It contains a Super Starch -- amylopectin A that is super fattening.
It contains a form of Super Gluten that is super-inflammatory.
It contains forms of a Super Drug that is super-addictive and makes you crave and eat more.
A medication commonly used to help people stop smoking may have an unanticipated positive side effect for an entirely different vice: drinking alcohol. A new study by University of Chicago researchers finds that varenicline, sold as Chantix, increases the negative effects of alcohol and therefore could hold promise as a treatment for alcoholism.They want to give a drug KNOWN TO CAUSE SUICIDAL IDEATION to chronic alcoholics.
Severe symptoms of poor health are declining, even as chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes are on the increase.The problem is real. The paradox is an artifact of definition.
The results revealed that in obese versus lean individuals, brain glucose metabolism was significantly higher in the brain's striatal regions, which are involved in processing of rewards. Moreover, obese individual's reward system responded more vigorously to food pictures, whereas responses in the frontal cortical regions involved in cognitive control were dampened.We are not fat because we are hungry.
"The results suggest that obese individuals' brains might constantly generate signals that promote eating even when the body would not require additional energy uptake," says Adjunct Professor Lauri Nummenmaa from the University of Turku.
In a large analysis of men participating in a prostate drug trial, researchers at the Duke Cancer Institute found a significant correlation between coronary artery disease and prostate cancer, suggesting the two conditions may have shared causes.Poor Lifestyle Choices... that's their answer to effing everything: Blame the Patient.
Previous studies exploring the relationship between coronary artery disease and prostate cancer risk have found conflicting results, making it difficult to determine whether the malignancy is fueled by poor lifestyle choices.
While hundreds of thousands of women continue to suffer from the disease and its treatment, and while millions of women are concerned about their risk, the pink ribbon primarily serves industry—diagnostic technology, pharmaceuticals, large non-profits, and all those corporations participating in cause marketing.and this one's really good too.
In the study, mice engineered to have a particular immune deficiency developed fatty liver disease and got fatter when fed a Western-style diet. But strikingly, when these immune-deficient mice were put in the same cage as healthy mice, the healthy mice started to come down with symptoms of liver disease, and also got fatter.
People who have been infected with the ulcer-causing bacteria Helicobacter pylori are more than twice as likely to develop diabetes later on as people who do not have signs of the infection, according to a new study of Latino adults in California.H. pylori causes all kinds of problems, but I have seen no evidence of this kind of causation. Here's the most likely relationship:
Sugar should be controlled like alcohol and tobacco to protect public health, according to a team of UCSF researchers, who maintain in a new report that sugar is fueling a global obesity pandemic, contributing to 35 million deaths annually worldwide from non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.I really like Dr. Lustig. He is right about a lot of the health problems caused by sugar. But this is over the line. It's the same self-righteous attitude about patients that all doctors have the urge to indulge.
Could some cases of asthma actually be caused by an allergic reaction to a common environmental bacteria? New research suggests that this idea may not be as far-fetched as it seems. In a research report appearing in the February 2012 print issue, researchers show a link between common environmental bacteria and airway inflammation. Specifically, their research suggests that some strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cause white blood cells to produce very high levels of histamine, which in turn leads to inflammation, a hallmark symptom of asthma.Somebody please explain to me why medical researchers think this is a far-fetched idea.