There is much that is unknown about COVID 19. The mortality rate seems to be about 1-2%. It gets worse the older and sicker and more male you are. About twice as much for men as women.
That means you will probably survive it, if you don't ignore it. Don't just take some vitamin C and go back to work...
I do not plan on leaving the house if I get sick. I intend to Self-Quarantine.
Expect a powerful respiratory infection. A ton of mucous membrane destruction and a big dose of endotoxin to knock you out right from the beginning.
My preparation-
I bought a 12 pack of chicken broth.
Zicam cold remedy.
A few boxes of kleenex.
White Tea
Vinyl gloves in case I need to take care of someone else.
I already have swabs and saline.
If you get sick-
BATHE! Wipe your face often. Wash your hands often.
Swab/rinse out your snot.
Brush teeth with baking soda.
Coat oropharyngeal membranes with olive oil.
Take zinc. Zicam is widely available.
Take vitamin D now to help prevent any comorbid bacterial infections.
DRINK WHITE TEA. I cannot stress enough how much this helps.
Eat very little- and don't eat carbs.
My favorite "sick food" is egg drop soup. Take a can of broth and bring it to a boil in a pan.
Add a couple chives and a tablespoon of soy sauce. Mix up an egg in a bowl and drop the batter into the broth when it is boiling vigorously. Wait a few seconds and stir with a wooden spoon. Turn off burner and remove pot. You now have lovely salty broth to loosen your mucous and some bland protein to keep you going.
It's much easier to breathe and rest this way.
Change your bedding frequently.
After you're better, disinfect your household surfaces with 71% alcohol and wash your laundry with baking soda.
There are people who had nasal infections, recovered, then later a worse lung infection flared up.
Be vigilant with your hygiene.